Eucalyptus Oil – 30ML

Eucalyptus oil enhances blood circulation and provides a calming impact. It is a skin-nurturing and soothing oil ideal for massaging overworked joints. It nurtures the skin and alleviates tension when addressing issues like blemishes, acne, neurodermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. Additionally, the oil can aid in the treatment of cold sores.

Uygulama Şekli

Uygulama Şekli

Mix 5 drops of essential oil with 30ml of olive oil or another suitable carrier oil, apply to the skin, and gently massage. Ensure the skin is slightly moistened before application. For wound care, combine 1 or 2 drops with a tablespoon of olive oil and carefully apply a single drop using a cotton swab. Avoid using the undiluted oil and refrain from exceeding the recommended dosage.







Keep product away from exposure to light and heat, shelf life is 12 months after the bottle has been opened.



This product is not a substitute for medical consultation and advice. Not recommended for pregnant women and children. Keep away from kids.
People with intolerances or allergies may react negatively to eucalyptus oil. Avoid eye and mucous membrane contact. Do not use the oil undiluted and do not exceed the recommended dosage.